Earn up to 40% recurring revenue for every referral
Help your family, friends, and audience grow their business effortlessly with high-converting booking pages and earn up to 40% for each new customer you send our way.

Let's join forces
1. Share your referral link
You’ll be given a shiny new link that’s unique to you. Share that link with your friends and when they sign up, we’ll credit that to you
2. Your friends sign up
Your friends who sign up for a free trial through your link will appear in your referral dashboard. You’ll have so many friends!
3. We thank you
If your friend signs up after their free trial, we'll thank you with up to a 40% recurring commission for as long as they stay subscribed. Deal? Deal.
Customizable, high-converting booking pages that sell themselves.
Here’s how much you can earn
Hey there, passive income. You’ve got a brand new revenue stream and money dropping into your account every month, courtesy of your friends here at Book Like A Boss.
Hey Bosses,
As a bootstrapped company, all our growth has come from Bosses like you who spread the word about our us.
We’ve never spent a single dollar on outbound marketing since our launch, but rather have focused on creating a superior product that people are happy to share with others.
Going forward, we can either enrich Google and Facebook by giving them our advertising dollars, or we can enrich you by sharing some of that money. As fellow Bosses, we choose to give it to you!
We've invested millions of dollars in developing a powerful software that serves tens of thousands of solopreneurs, small businesses, and enterprise clients. We’ll handle the hard work - providing continuous updates and best-in-class customer support, while you can market and share BLAB with the world and earn a passive, recurring income.
Nearly every business requires a way to book and schedule meetings, and sell their services. Could you use an additional $1,000 a month? We've already paid out six figures to our affiliate partners, and many are earning a recurring, passive income every month.
Whether you want pay off your BLAB subscription or build a massive recurring income month after month, the opportunity is yours.
I’m looking forward to celebrating your success,

Are we going to vibe?
Our partner program is fully inclusive and designed for everyone. However, here are the qualities that will make you feel right at home.

You’re a marketer or agency
Show off your industry expertise by referring Book Like A Boss to clients and other marketers. Generate fresh leads and establish an entirely new source of revenue.

You’ve got an audience
Show off your industry expertise by referring Book Like A Boss to clients and other marketers. Generate fresh leads and establish an entirely new source of revenue.

You ❤️ Book Like A Boss
Show off how you’ve used BLAB to grow your own business and create high-converting booking pages. Our own users have become the most profitable money-making Partners.
And we’ll teach you exactly how to promote and grow your income, step by step
Our free training program will hand you all of the promotional tools you need and teach you step-by-step how to find and convert new customers into loyal, raving fans that build you a thriving, recurring income.

People love us
Wonderin’ about sumthin’?
Go ahead, pop your question
How and when do I get paid?
How long will my cookie last for?
What if I brought someone to the site and then someone else brings him/her back at a later point?
Do you offer us any marketing materials or support?
I have a large group of followers, can we do a webinar together?
Can I use paid ads to drive traffic to my affiliate page?
Do I need to tell people I’m an affiliate partner of yours?
Do I receive a commission on any of your plans?
Become a part of something exciting and make money along the way
Earn up to a 40% lifetime cut for every customer you help discover Book Like A Boss.
Become a Partner